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The Origin Story

What started as family vacations with my maternal extended family as a child, has turned into a life-long passion of art and photography. This journey towards stepping out of my comfort zone and sharing my craft with the world in April 2023, was beyond scary. Sharing with friends and family, for free, is one thing, but having someone pay hard earned money on something is completely different. However, art is meant to be shared, and stories are meant to be told.

Let's start with a story, how I got here. I've always loved art and being creative, and I remember as a child, seeing my maternal grandfather always having his camera around his neck. So in 2005, we took our first trip to China and couldn't wait to use our family's first digital camera. These are the first photos in my extensive digital photo library. Then in 2006, we took a family trip to London and Paris and I bought my first DSLR, a Canon xTI. In 2007, I bought my first photography books and so my journey into serious photography began...

Selfie at the Great Wall of China, May 2005


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